SCCM Firewall ports required by clients 1

SCCM Firewall ports required by clients

SCCM Firewall ports and network ports must be defined if you want manage clients across multiple networks. Configuration Manager to properly manage clients if some ports are not been defined and opened to allow for traffic to flow properly. Typical symptoms of failed network connectivity can be clients stuck with old configuration manager client, trouble to patch and deploy software. Here is a copy of my cheat-sheet that I use (or send to the network technicians) to make sure all required traffic is let through. Read More

CCMSetup Install Switches

CCMSetup Install Switches

With this post I want to explain the CCMSetup install switches as I get asked a lot how and when to use them. The Configuration Manager client is installed by launching ccmsetup.exe. This happens to all client installations, even if client push installation from the Configuration Manager console and task sequence installations with the setup windows and configuration manager step. Read More