ConfigMgr Client Health

ConfigMgr Client Health Version 0.7.2 Released

I’m happy to announce ConfigMgr Client Health version 0.7.2. This version includes improved testing on the ConfigMgr Client, option to run more tests in monitor only, and a few bug fixes.

Download location: Microsoft Technet Galleries
Full documentation:

Changes in version 0.7.2

  • New check on the ConfigMgr Client: CcmSQLCE.log exists and CM Client is not in debug mode. Local CM client database files (*.SDF) will be removed before CM client is reinstalled with a /forceinstall parameter added to the installation parameters to ensure any previous versions are uninstalled first.
  • Improved testing on WUAHandler.log, now testing against error code “0x87d00692” in addition to previously “0x80004005”
  • Improved DNS check for Window 8.1 / Server 2012 R2 and higher.
  • Added option “Fix” in config.xml for the following checks: BITS, DNS, Hardware Inventory, Software Metering and Updates. Set fix to “True” for script to fix any errors, or “False” to only monitor and report back.
  • Script will now trigger the CM client built in health check (ccmeval) when it’s done.


  • Local log file now honors MaxLogHistory configured in config.xml
  • Services defined as Automatic (Delayed Start) should now configure correctly

There are some changes to config.xml so make sure to implement those before you upgrade.

This version of the script requires database version 0.7.0. There is no need to upgrade SQL database if you’r already at this version.

Anders Rødland

Anders Rødland started his IT career in 2006. My main focus is MS Configuration Manager and client management, and I have passed 17 Microsoft certifications since then. My main expertise is on client management with Microsoft Endpoint Manager: Intune and Configuration Manager. I also do a lot of work on the security side with Microsoft Defender for Endpoint. In addition to my Microsoft certification, I also have an ITIL v3 Foundation certification. This is my private blog and do not represent my employer. I use this to share information that I find useful. Sharing is caring.

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