This series will go through SCCM performance tuning and look at typical issues that may slow down your SCCM server. These are the same guidelines I follow when I install and configure SCCM for my customers.
It is my impression that many SCCM installations are done with default settings, and no maintenance tasks are configured on SQL or the server to increase performance. The result is a horrible slow console to work with. These are things we will look at in this series.
When your brakes fail and lock on your car, a bigger engine is not the solution. A hardware upgrade for your SCCM server may not be the solution to a slow and unresponsive SCCM console.
SCCM Performance Tuning
Part 1 of the SCCM Performance Tuning series will go through the following topics:
- Troubleshoot disk performance.
- SCCM Collections updates.
Hardware Setup of SCCM Server
Verify hardware requirements for Configuration Manager Current Branch with Microsoft: These requirements are set for a maximum capacity environment and you may get by with less.
My disk setup for a standalone SCCM with SQL.
- C: OSDisk, separate disk.
- D: SCCM installation, separate disk.
- E: SQL installation, separate disk.
- F: SQL Data, separate disk.
- G: SQL Logs, separate disk.
Disk performance.
Disk queue on our hard-drives should always be less than 2, anything more will cause a drop in performance as there is too much activity on the drive. Use performance monitor to monitor disk queue length of your hard-drives. Take a look at your Virtual Hosts and SAN for further troubleshooting if disk queue is too high.
SCCM Roles
Don’t install every possible role on your site server. I always recommend to install the management point and distribution point on separate servers to move some of the load away from the site server.
SCCM Collections Incremental Update
A common performance issue I find are too many collections with incremental update on collection membership. With incremental update turned on, that collection will continuously evaluate itself to look for changes in collection membership. Generally speaking you want this turned off on your collection unless you absolutely need to have almost live data in here. Will you breach SLA or provide bad service if you change it to run full scan every 15 minute instead? Do you loose any functionality if you change it to once an hour or once every 4th hour? Some collections only need to be updated once every day.
Microsoft recommends to never have more than 200 collections set at incremental updates, and then your server better follow their hardware recommendations.
Next: Part 2 SCCM Performance Tuning – SQL optimizations and anti-virus exceptions.
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